althttpd docker

A tiny docker image FROM scratch running a static build of althttpd.


Build the latest version:


This will create an image named althttpd:latest.

With TLS support

Set TLS to any value:

make TLS=1

This will set the name to althttpsd:latest. To control the name of the image use the NAME variable.

From a particular Check-in

Use a hash like 0a03b61432d41837:

make CHECKIN=0a03b61432d41837

The image is then named althttpd:0a03b61432d41837.


Publish a given directory:

make run DIR=/path/to/content

See the content at http://localhost:8080. The port can be customized using the PORT variable.


With logging:

docker run --rm \
  --publish 8080:8080 \
  --volume $(pwd)/index.html:/www/index.html \
  --volume $(pwd)/site.log:/site.log \
  althttpd:latest -logfile /site.log


Previous work & inspiration: